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Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Ghost Kitchens Struggle For Post-Pandemic Survival; U.S. Students` Math Scores Plunge in Global Education Assessment; NCAA President Proposing a Plan That Would Allow Some Colleges to Pay Student Athletes Directly. Ai
December 07, 2023 | Ghost kitchens struggle for post-pandemic survival
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello there superstars. Welcome to the show. I`m Coy Wire. This is CNN 10, the best 10 minutes in news, where we tell you simply the what, letting you decide what to think. Remember, keep your ears open today. See if your vocab word was chosen to help write today`s show.
We start today talking about math, according to a global exam for 15-year-olds, students around the world experienced an unprecedented drop in math scores since the last time this test was taken in 2018. Now, normally these assessments are taken every three years by the organization for economic cooperation and development, but it was pushed back due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the United States, students ranked 28th in mathematics, out of the 37 participating countries. The U.S. did have stronger performances in reading and science ranking six in reading, 12th in science. U.S. Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona praised the country`s investments in education, but acknowledged that improvement is needed specifically pointing to mathematics saying, quote, "We need a math revolution."
Next up, some news that could completely change the landscape of college athletics. NCAA President Charlie Baker is proposing a change that would allow top division one schools to pay their student athletes directly sort of like employees for the first time ever.
In a letter to member schools, Baker suggests creating a new subdivision that schools can opt into, one that would require these institutions to compensate at least half of their student athletes. In the proposal, some athletes can earn a minimum of $30,000 per year. This would be on top of any scholarship money, the student athletes may already be receiving. This would also be on top of any money the student athlete might make from personal NIL deals, NIL or name, image, and lightness deals are fairly new.
In 2021, a landmark case reshaped the landscape of college sports. The U.S. Supreme Court, deciding that student athletes should be able to appear in commercials or advertisements for businesses, for example, something that was never allowed by the NCAA before. Baker says this new proposal is about kickstarting, a long overdue conversation to create more permissive and flexible rules.
Ten second trivia. What animal became such a popular pet in Rwanda that the species nearly faced extinction?
Lion, monkey, crane or leopard?
The grey crowned, crane is your answer here becoming a status symbol appearing in gardens of hotels and at private homes. There were only 300 left in 2012, but local conservation efforts are aimed at helping the crane make a comeback.
Our world`s wonderful wetlands plan, a central role in our planet`s climate. They`re home to rich biodiversity and thousands of species of animals. But the U.N. says wetlands are disappearing, three times faster than forests. Our resident adventure Bill Weir takes us to some wetlands in Uganda where avian life dominates.
BILL WEIR, CNN CLIMATE CORRESPONDENT: In the wetlands of Western Uganda, avian life reigns supreme. The landlocked east African nation is home to around a thousand species of birds, but none as iconic as the grey crowned crane, proudly lazed at the heart of the Uganda flag. This gentle terrestrial bird said to be a symbol of progress for the country.
ACHILLES BYARUHANGA, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, NATUREUGANDA: The cranes is one of the most gracious bite. I`m not surprised that Uganda chose it as one to be our emblem. I have been there studying and working with birds for the last 28 years.
In regard, I`ve got about 1070 different species of birds. At global level, we have got about 10,000 different species of birds. So at that level I`ve got about between 9% and 10% of the global population of the wild birds.
WEIR: Over recent decades, though, habitats for these colonies have come under severe threat. Since the year 2000, a quarter of Uganda`s wetlands have been lost and average of nearly 5,000 hectares a year causing rapid and irreversible change to the cradle of the cranes.
BYARUHANGA: It is estimated that if this degradation continues, we shall lose all the wetlands by 2030. And that will be a very big disaster for the country and for the world. We started conducting research here in 1995 that`s when we discovered that this wetland had very many species, some of which are endemic to this area. In other words, if this wetland goes, it means all those species will disappear forever. And that`s when we started working with the communities to make sure that this wetland can be protected.
WEIR: Across the past three decades, Achilles has pioneered a large-scale restoration program, successfully campaigning for the establishment of 12 wetland sites of international importance across Uganda. This vital intervention is helping cranes return to their natural habitat and providing a buffer to the human settlements that threatened with hunting, poison, and electrocution from power lines.
BYARUHANGA: We started operations in communities and started incentivizing them so that they can participate. It takes long to work with the – with the community group.
WEIR: NatureUganda has also established a network of crane custodians who serve as educators for local communities and bird loving tourists alike.
BYARUHANGA: And this is what we need to fight for. We cannot lose our national symbol. We still have an opportunity to save this beautiful species.
WIRE: Have you ever heard of ghost kitchens? And we`re not talking about some haunted kitchen. It`s a term used when talking about online only restaurants, there`s no brick-and-mortar location where you can go in, order your food, have a seat and eat. During the pandemic, these ghost kitchens were extremely popular, especially when it came to the high demand of food delivery service.
There were such high hopes for ghost kitchens that they were expected to make up more than 20% of the restaurant industry by 2025, over $6 billion were invested in ghost kitchens during the pandemic. But now I guess you could say that ghost kitchens are being ghosted, more and more consumers want to get out and eat at restaurants in-person. And they want to see where they`re getting their food from. Some prognosticators warned that businesses like ghost kitchens, Zoom, Peloton, Instacart, which boom, during the pandemic might see a major downtick as consumers would want to probably return to their old habits.
Today`s story getting a 10 out of 10, a chicken owner in Tampa, Florida couldn`t beak, leave her eyes when her feathery friends froze. Jeanne Moos gets to the bottom of this excellent mystery.
JEANNE MOOS, CNN NATIONAL NEWS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The owner of these chickens in Tampa, Florida is so new to raising them that she hasn`t even given to each of the names.
ANTIONETTE: Pepper, pepper, pepper, pepper, and pepper. Because do you see a difference?
MOOS: But even a rookie knows, chickens are supposed to run for food. So Brianna Antoinette was stunned.
ANTIONETTE: Why are you not moving? Hello?
MOOS: When all five of her chickens simultaneously froze and stayed paralyzed for over two minutes.
(On camera): What was your immediate thought when they froze?
ANTIONETTE: What you were witnessing in that video is a live panic attack.
What is happening right now? Chickens.
MOOS: The internet had theories. People asked.
ANTIONETTE: Did you try unplugging them and plugging them back in?
MOOS: When Brianna yelled for her fiance, they suddenly uprose.
ANTIONETTE: Nick. What the --
What we now know and what my fiance was able to spot in the tree above was a hawk.
MOOS: This hawk has killed four of their chickens. They`ve strung fish line above the enclosure to keep the hawk away by standing motionless, they`re trying to be invisible. Is this what they mean by acting chicken?
ANTIONETTE: Did I do something?
MOOS: Jeanne Moos, CNN.
ANTIONETTE: What the --
MOOS: New York.
WIRE: Dad joke for you. Why are chicken so funny, "because." Thanks to all of you for following along @coywire on social and for your unflagging or persistent efforts. As Mr. Brown at Sacred Art in Chicago would say submitting vocabulary words for today`s show. Today`s word was submitted by Kendall Hoffman in Mr. Lucio`s class at Lincolnview High School in Van Wert, Ohio, prognosticator, a noun for a person who foretells or prophecies a future event. Thanks for boosting our vocab.
Today`s shout out goes to the Hornets at St. Elizabeth R-IV School in St. Elizabeth, Missouri, keep buzzing, baby. And shout out to Franklin Middle School in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, go thunderbolts. I`m Coy. Thanks for being with us today, see you tomorrow so we can finish this week strong.
- Assessments (평가) - The process or act of making an accurate measurement, judgment, or evaluation.
- Organization (조직) - A structured and managed group or institution.
- Economic Cooperation (경제 협력) - The process of countries or entities working together for economic benefits.
- Development (개발) - The process of growth, advancement, or expansion.
- Pandemic (전염병) - A widespread outbreak of a disease or illness globally.
- Ranking (순위) - The process of determining a grade or position.
- Investments (투자) - The act of using financial, time, or other resources to gain a benefit.
- Mathematics (수학) - The study of quantity, structure, space, and change.
- Athletics (운동 경기) - Physical or sports activities.
- Proposal (제안) - A plan or opinion presented for consideration or approval.
- Compensate (보상하다) - To provide something as a recompense for loss or damage.
- Subdivision (하위 분류) - A smaller part of a larger group or category.
- Institutions (기관) - Organizations or establishments formed for a specific purpose.
- Scholarship (장학금) - Financial support provided for educational purposes.
- Landmark (획기적인) - Significant or historical event, place, or change.
- Supreme Court (대법원) - A court of the highest legal authority.
- Endangered (멸종 위기의) - Being in a state of danger of extinction.
- Conservation (보존) - The process of protecting and preserving the natural environment, resources, or cultural heritage.
- Biodiversity (생물 다양성) - The presence of a variety of different species of living organisms in a particular area or ecosystem.
- Wetlands (습지) - Areas influenced or dominated by water.
- Disappearing (사라지는) - Becoming invisible or ceasing to exist.
- Atmospheric (대기의) - Related to the atmosphere.
- Flooding (홍수) - The phenomenon of water covering an area.
- Precipitation (강수량) - The process of water, in forms like rain, snow, hail, etc., falling from the atmosphere to the ground.
- Tropical (열대의) - Related to the tropical regions.
- Habitats (서식지) - The natural environment where a specific animal or plant lives.
- Restaurant Industry (음식점 산업) - The business sector related to providing food and beverages.
- Delivery Service (배달 서비스) - Service that brings products or goods directly to the consumer.
- Consumers (소비자들) - People who purchase and use goods or services.
- Online (온라인) - Connected via the internet or digital networks.